Lately I have been seeing quotes such as these:
And although at first glance I think, alright...yes, that's true, I rethink it. And what does my mind come up with?
Why is it my job to make sure that my life is inspiring to others? Why is it my job to make sure my behavior says I'm a good person?
I'm not saying this out of spite or coming from a mean, hateful place, but truly why is this my job?
I don't want to be inspiring.
I don't want to make sure my behavior proves to everyone that I am a good person.
I don't want to...
I just want to be me.
Because if you ask me, there is no way I can make sure my life is inspiring. There are too many different types of people in this world to make sure my life is inspiring to everyone. The only one I want to inspire is myself. Maybe my nephew and niece also, but mostly, just myself.
I also don't believe it is even feasible to have your actions and your behavior prove what a good person you are. I think I am a good person, a GREAT person if you will. But sometimes my behavior completely contradicts that. Sometimes I just don't act like such a good person because why? ...I am human.
And maybe I am taking these quotes that are meant to make us all feel good way too literally, but I can't help but really ponder on what exactly people are trying to convey.
But I just want to be me. I want to be able to make mistakes without being judged. I want to be able to say things that are on my mind without wondering how someone will take it or who I am going to offend. I want to be able to run wildly and free amongst my own thoughts and mind instead of being influenced by everyone else's opinions. I want the freedom to choose what I choose without hearing all of the ways it is wrong. I want my life to be mine because that's what it is; my life. I want to be able to live care free amongst my daily routine because what is there really to worry about?!
I just want to be me.