Monday, March 10, 2014

I got married :)

As most of you know now, I got married on Friday to the one and only Yonatan Saavedra :) I am so so happy - words can't even express how I feel. It was much of a surprise to most people I know. Very few people knew it was coming and I know a few people's feelings were hurt because of not being invited BUT I promise only immediate family was invited. We are going to have something bigger later on where more people will be able to come.

I can't even begin to tell you how easy, fun, and joyful our day was. I spent time with my family before we got married and it was so relaxed and calm. I know that's because it wasn't a huge wedding but I also just had the biggest peace in my heart. After all, we weren't only officially joining ourselves together, we were blending our families together with our daughter in the middle and it couldn't have been better and sweeter.

I am so blessed to have the in laws that I have. I have always been accepted by them and never questioned by them, even though we weren't always in the best situation. His family has always had open arms to me and I couldn't be more grateful that stassi will have such an amazing family. And thank God that I get along with my mother in law - she is the sweetest :) and of course my parents just love Yonatan. My mom and him joke around all the time and my dad just loves his style haha Everything about the day between the families just made me happy.

It's so crazy how free and happy I feel inside. The man I married is definitely a keeper. All of the things I need and want in a man, he has. I know nobody is perfect but he is perfect for me and I am so thankful that God has blessed us the way that he has.

I love you Yonatan and am so proud to be your wife!! :)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

My Sweet Baby Girl

Stassi Leighann,

I swear I think about you every minute of every day. Everything reminds me of you or makes me think of what things will be like when you are here. You have been kicking away in my tummy lately and there's no better feeling although I have to admit it feels kind of strange. I love everything about you already. Your daddy and I talk about you all the time and we pray for you every single day. We can't wait to hold you and see what you're going to look like and who you are going to act like. But one thing we are certain of is that you will have our Mexican temper. I am already pretty obsessed with you and I am sure when you finally make your presence in this world all I will be able to do is stare at you. I know you're going to be beautiful. You're already beautiful from every single ultrasound I have seen - you even have daddy's rather large head but like daddy's because you're smart ;)

Baby girl, I cannot wait to meet you. To hold you. To love you. To rock you to sleep. To feed you. To change your diapers. To console you. To sing to you. To teach you. To play with you. To talk to you. To protect you. I am just ecstatic to meet you. God has given me the most amazing blessing by bringing you into my life. And you want to know what's so cool about it? He already knows every single thing about you. He knows how many hairs you will have on your head. He is knitting you together so perfectly in my womb right now. And He is giving me the best responsibility to take care of you once you get here. It's amazing.

I promise you daddy and I will always be here for you and will always love you and support you. We will never give up on you. We will always pray for you and keep your best interest in mind when it comes to all of our decisions. We will be a family. And not only will you know the love from us but you will know the love from all of your grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I can't wait for you to arrive and experience what life has to offer you sweet girl. I am so thankful and grateful for the opportunity to raise you and be your mom.

I love you so much,