I love being pregnant. And I love the fact that God blessed me enough to let me be pregnant. I am thankful up and down and around, trust me I really am. But there's a lot about pregnancy that I wasn't exactly prepared or ready for...not that anyone ever would be for these types of things. As wonderful as pregnancy is, I decided to make a list of things that aren't so pleasant about my pregnancy lol
1. THROWING UP - hands down I was not prepared for how much I would be throwing up. I know some women experience this for their first trimester only while others never experience it at all but i have experienced it over and over again and it has yet to stop. Hospital trips. Medicine. The whole nine yards and I'm still going at it. Throwing up sucks and I cry because of it. Shout out to my husband who just holds me during those times and says "it's almost over babe."
2. Mood Swings - whaaatuppp my name is Mrs. Moody Mc mooderson and I have the ability to bite your head off for any little thing. This makes me irritated. Sure, I was always a woman who was easily pissed off (shocker I know) but this takes it to an entirely new level. My ability to freak out on someone is like a super power I have never seen before and I am not proud of it. I hate it. I'm mean. And crying...I cry at everything. You can tell me I look different today and I'll automatically assume you're talking crap and get mad and cry. But I promise I'll get back to normal soon enough.
3. Going Places - I HATE going places to socialize. I probably love you and on any normal day of not being pregnant I would love to see you and hang out with you but right now that's not usually the case. Usually I'd rather just sit at home while eating ice cream and watch TV with my husband. (Don't worry about him, he's safe - he knows how to handle me) I hate crowds and I hate a lot of noise. Right now it just irks me.
4. Sore boobs - Not only are my boobs super sore but my nipples are constantly hard. And when I say hard I mean hard. And when they get super hard like that they HURT. I mean these things should be illegal to carry around because they could cut someone. And when they are hard I just sit there and rub them hoping they will somewhat flatten down and get warm. Then I look like a pervert out in public. But of course i dont care...Say something, I dare you.
5. Itchiness - I know not every girl experiences this but I just so happen to be super lucky that I have excessive itchiness. Everywhere. My feet OMG my feet. My legs. My arms. And even my butt. And you know when my butt itches while standing in the middle of target, you best believe home girl is going to scratch it. It's real attractive. Oh boy...The struggle is real girlfriends.
6. Tired - I am exhausted all the time. My feet are swollen and my belly is growing day by day and the simplest tasks of putting my shoes on or making my bed is seriously difficult. Walking to the bathroom is something I actually think about sometimes and I think "How much longer until I SUPER have to pee?" It's embarrassing. I'm so tired all the time. I've never experienced this type of exhaustion and I hear it only gets worse.
7. Bladder Control - throw that bladder control out the Window ladies because I have none. I pee all the time. When I throw up. When I sneeze. When I laugh. When I get scared. I pee. I'm like a leaking machine. I remind myself of my little dog who pees uncontrollably. And something that's even more exciting, is I hear that your bladder control never comes back. I will forever be Erin the peeer..
8. Farting and Burping - holy shit did that just come out of ME? Yes honey, yes it did because your ability to hold your fart and burps in no longer exist. They just slip on out whenever they want to. They're not quiet about it either. Sure there are times when I have a warning coming but for the most part it's just obnoxious. I told you ladies, the struggle is real.
9. Short Term Memory Loss - I may not be as bad as drew in 50 first dates but I swear I am close enough. I can't remember anything. Tell me something and 20 minutes later I am sure it's not even close to my mind. I used to remember everything so well. I'd never have to take notes or set reminders for certain things and now if I don't I am a lost cause. It's pathetic. Pregnancy brain is real.
10. Weird things - Weird things start happening to your body when you're pregnant. And although I don't experience them all like hair growth on my face or belly, my body is plenty weird. For example this may be TMI, but the discharge you get is INSANE. I will be sitting at my desk and my body will jump because I just got a giant shooting pain up my woohoo. One boob is bigger than the other and my stomach gets lopsided. It's so weird.
BUT with all of this being said, I would trade my life for anything. Pregnancy is hard but that's why God gave it to us women ;) I cannot wait to see the precious girl my body had the privelage of making. And of course my husband helped make her too...He likes to get his credit in there too ;)