Before I give birth! Our little lady is due on the 21st of this month but she may come earlier. We are considering being induced the week before her due date. This mommy is SO ready to not be pregnant anymore!!
I cannot believe how quickly time has passed with growing this little one inside of me. It's been a crazy 9 months. 2 of those months I didn't even know I was pregnant. Then I moved to my grandmas, and then my moms, and then finally with my husband when we got married. Because of all the moving and chaos it seemed like I never had a moment to rest and time just flew by.
At the same time, I feel like time went by so slow. I feel like we have been waiting for this little bean of ours to come for so long now. Our hearts are just filled with so much joy.
I had a pregnancy that wasn't so easy and at times it wasn't very enjoyable because I couldn't ever seem to just catch a break to be able to enjoy my little one. But it seems like the past couple of months I have been less sick, although way more tired and hot haha but I just love being able to feel her move and see her move. And she finally stopped being shy when her daddy put his hand on my stomach! She used to stop moving as soon as he put his hand down on my stomach...what a little diva haha but now her daddy is her best friend and she loves playing with him. He will poke her or talk to her and she will kick up or roll around. It's so neat.
I've received so much advice from people during my pregnancy which has been so helpful. My family has been super great. And I swear I couldn't have made it through this pregnancy without Erincka. She has been such a great friend always encouraging me to ask questions or asking me how I'm feeling and just keeping up with me and how my pregnancy is going. I value her input so much and am just so grateful for her and am grateful for my other mommy friends who have kept in touch too.
So I guess all I have to say is STASSI WE ARE SO READY FOR YOU!! Your daddy and I are so excited to see you and hold you and just love you. You're truly our angel...our perfect bundle or joy and hope. We love you!! 💗