Sunday, August 17, 2014

That Saavedra Life

ISo let's be honest. My life has been so much better since becoming a Saavedra ;) our home is filled with happiness, joy, sarcasm, jokes, laughter, and we even play...I mean let's be honest it's fun to chase Yonatan around the house just so I can smack his butt & it's fun to be chased around the house just so he can kiss me. Life is good. So here's some updates!

Yonatan is still in school and working super hard to graduate by September/October. I am really proud of him. And can't wait to do something special for him when he is officially done with school. 

We of course have our baby girl and she seems to be growing like a weed. I swear every day she changes and gets bigger. And part of me hates slowly losing my newborn but I am also excited to see what new and exciting things she does. For the first week of her life she hated being changed and hated baths but now she smiles and loves it. She is such a silly girl with a bunch of different sounds and faces ;)

When I go back to work I won't be going back to the position I was in for 3 years...the position where I met Yonatan so I would have to say it's really bitter sweet but on the plus side instead of driving 60 miles out of town to work, I will be in town and closed to Stassi. 

I'm slowly but surely learning how to master taking care of Stassi and cleaning the house in the same day while Yonatan is gone. And I am trying to master cooking dinner. It's kind of hard with a baby when she is awake. 

Yonatan is not only Mexican but also speaks Spanish as well as his family. I think it's great that Stassi is going to be bilingual. So it's time for mommy to learn Spanish too. 

Yonatan had my car windows tinted. It seems silly for me to be excited about that but I think it's great because he cares so much about the sun getting the car all hot now that we have Stassi. He doesn't want her to sweat too bad when first being in the car. 

We have a couple trips coming up this year and we are really excited. 

I'm not really sure what else to update on. I'm kind of bad about recalling everything that's going on in our lives but I'm happy to say that we are happy. We love our weekends together and our nights together. Sure we have problems just like everyone else sometimes but we are happy & in love. And that's all that matters. Cheers to a man who knows how to keep his family protected, secure, and happy.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Stassi's Birth Story

Stassi Leighann,

I wanted to write down your birth story so we had the detailed memories for years to come. To me, you had a very interesting birth. 

Your dad and I decided that we wanted to be induced at 39 weeks. I was over being pregnant and we were so ready to see you. Dr Goodell assured us that you would be fine if we were induced at that time so we decided to move forward with it. So on Thursday, July 17th, we went for a Dr appointment so that Dr Goodell could check my cervix and when I was still only 1cm dilated she tried to insert what they call a balloon. The balloon's job is to thin out my cervix and start the dilation and the balloon falls out once the cervix is 5cm dilated. Well, when Dr Goodell tried to insert it my cervix was starting to bleed pretty badly and it was very uncomfortable and painful for me so she said forget it and told us to come in at midnight to be induced. 

So on Friday, July 18th, your dad and I, as well as your Grandma Leigh and Aunt Christan went to Centennial Hills Hospital at 12am. (Before your dad and I showed up we got some delicious in n out and are it in the Hospital parking lot) So we went to the 2nd floor and they took us right in. I had to fill out some paperwork and I changed into a gown that your dad and I bought online because, well it was cuter and pink compared to the regular hospital gown. Well once I was hooked up to the IV of fluids and put on the monitors, they inserted a little thin tape with medicine attached at the end into my cervix called cervadil. It's job is to thin out my cervix so that I could start dilating but it takes 12 hours so the waiting game began. We watched TV, slept, and I was able to drink all the sprite and eat all eat Popsicles my heart desired. Your great grandma Margie, Grandpa Rick, and cousin Elijah all came later in the day to see us and after 12 hours, they took the cervadil strip out of me, let me shower and eat and that's when your Grandma Feliciana and Aunt Jazmin came to see us, brought you gifts, and brought mommy and daddy food around lunch time! I was so hungry and it was the best Burger King burger I had ever had haha So after I ate, they started me on pitocin and I was definitely contracting but I still wasn't dilating. So after 2 hours of that, they took me off pitocin and told me it would be best for me to go home and wait it out. 

We went home baby-less and it was really hard because we were really looking forward to bringing you home. But for the next couple days all I did was walk and move around. Your dad tried to get me to do these squat things up and down on the couch. It was ridiculous (in a funny way) 

On Wednesday, July 23rd, grandma Leigh and I went and got our feet done and I got my toes painted pink for you! Dr Goodell had me go into a medical office that day to get monitored because She wanted to see what your heart rate was and if I was having contractions, so grandma Leigh took me to the appointment. Well I was monitored for about 20 minutes and I was having pretty regular contractions. And on the very last one she monitored, your heart rate went down so they sent me to Centennial hills labor and delivery for further monitoring. So grandma Leigh and I stopped and got some Wendy's on the way because you and I were starving and then we went to centennial hills. They hooked me up on the monitor for about an hour and a half and then they came in and told me that I was going to be admitted and induced again. We knew at this point, that even if the induction didn't work, we weren't leaving the hospital without baby Stassi. So I called and text your dad who was now on his way to town from work and told him we were being admitted. They checked my cervix and I was dilated at a 2 and my cervix was soft so everything looked much better than the week before. I got into the labor and delivery room (#6) at 6:30pm and your dad showed up with our hospital bags ready to welcome you to this world. They started me on pitocin and the contractions were hard. My goal was to get dilated to 4cm without an epidural and thankfully I had the help of not only your dad, grandma Leigh, aunt Christan, and cousin Elijah, but also my best friend (your babysitter) Erincka. Ericka was able to talk me through my contractions and just encouraged me to keep breathing. It was amazing help and before I knew it the guy came in to give me my epidural. Your daddy didn't like seeing the needle go in my back so many times but he was such a good support system for me and I took the epidural well. And soon before I knew it I couldn't feel any pain! Throughout the night I was dilating more and more but then you fell asleep and stopped being so active so they had to put an oxygen mask on me to wake you up. I hated the mask and I also kept throwing up because I was so hungry! It was hard for me to sleep and get good rest through the night but before I knew it, I was at 10cm. The only bad thing was the epidural had started to ware off and I was feeling pain at 10cm and I said heck no techno go get me some more of that stuff haha so the anesthesiologist came in and upped my epidural. Soon I was pain free again but definitely felt like it was time to push and it was so grandma Margie took Elijah out of the room and daddy, Grandma Leigh, and Aunt Christan stayed in the room with us and the nurse. So the nurse took the bed apart, put the leg stirrup things up, told me that with every contraction I would do 3 sets of 10 seconds of pushing - so I pushed about a total of 9, maybe 12 times until your head was in the place it had to be in order to call the dr. So dr goodell came in, and she had me push and with one push, your whole body came out!! I only had to be in that pushing position for maybe a total of 20 minutes thank goodness because they said it could take up to 2 hours!! But at 11:42 am on July 24th, when I pushed you out, they immediately placed you on my chest. And I couldn't believe it. I a baby. seeing you was the most unbelievable sight in the world. You just cried and cried with me (of course for different reasons) but then daddy cut your umbilical cord and then they took you to the side to measure you, weigh you, and check you. There was more "mess" that happened afterwards but we can talk about that later ;) after the doctor stitched me up they gave you to me and I fed you for the first time. 

The entire process is something I will never ever forget. I absolutely went through some pain but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be and I am so thankful I was able to have the experience of giving birth to you. 

I love you!! 


Saturday, August 2, 2014

I'm a wife & a mom.

A lot of women want more than a life of being a wife and a mom. That's perfectly fine for whoever feels that way. 

But I have to say...even though my baby is only a week and two days old, I have never loved anything more than being a wife and a mom. It's like this whole new world has opened up to me. 

There is nothing I love more than watching my baby girl and all of her little faces. She already has such a personality. She is so sweet, yet she is such a diva. Things go her way. I love the way she smiles and makes her little noises. I love the way she sucks her hands when she is hungry or plays with her bottle when she's done eating. I love the way she kicks her blankets off of her or sleeps with her hands over her face. She is absolutely the most beautiful creation I have ever seen. God definitely knew what He was doing. 

I absolutely love when Yonatan walks through the door at the end of the day and he hugs me and gives me a bunch of kisses. I feel his love. It's a connection that I have never had before. I feel him...his love for me and our daughter is something I couldn't have even imagined. It's that good. My husband is the most amazing man I have ever met. He's not perfect and I'm not perfect, but together we are a team, together we are complete. I never thought someone could make me feel this way & ever day is even better than the last. 

I can't even describe the amount of love I have for my husband and our daughter. Words can't express it...the words don't even exist. All I know is that I am more than happy with being a wife and mother. Sure, I am a daughter, sister, aunt, and a coworker but I am a wife and a mom first and to me that is the most rewarding "job" I could ever have or ask for. 

I say this all the time but thank you Yonatan...thank you for making me a mommy and for loving us the way that you do. You are truly an amazing man and all the girls who passed you up before me were idiots. But I'm glad they did because I got the amazing opportunity to be your wife. I love you. 

Life is good.