Stassi at 9 months:
-Pretty much has no stranger danger. I don't like this but I have to admit she's so cute. I'm hoping eventually she'll learn that not everyone is nice and she won't try to have everyone hold her lol
-Stassi waves at everyone. We walked into her 9 month checkup and she immediately made friends by waving at all the ladies at the desk.
-Stassi weighs 19 pounds 8 ounces. And her head is no longer SUPER big, just slightly big ;)
-Stassi says hi, hey, dog, mom, momma, dad, dadda, nana (grandma), jijah (elijah), baba (bottle), tass (stassi), dodge (dodger)
-Stassi is starting to throw tantrums and fits. She's a great girl but when she doesn't get her way sometimes she screams or cries...were working on that.
-Stassi is FINALLY getting the hang of the sippy cup.
-Stassi had scrambled eggs with cheese for this first time this month and LOVES them
-She says "mmmmm" every time we give her something to eat other than baby food or her bottle
-She eats bread, pasta, rice, eggs, mashed potatoes, Mac n cheese, some meats, yogurt, and constantly trying new things here and there.
-Homegirl LOVES her food as you can tell.
-She walks SO well when she hangs onto someone's hand or sturdy object, but hasn't gained the confidence to REALLY try on her own.
-She crawls like a spider monkey...literally she's so fast.
-She loves sucking and biting her feet...whatever floats her boat I guess.
-She hates getting dressed. She'd rather be naked.
-But she LOVES brushing her teeth.
-She loves the shower. Daddy gives her the best showers and she just cuddles him
- We co-sleep with her for right now & she is a cuddled. She HAS to be hugging/touching one of us unless she's just too tired to care
-She dances to alllll music. She has her favorite commercials but she bops up and down and raiser her hands in the air and sings along.
-She loves her Disney channel but will also watch sports and the boring news with daddy
-She loves her dogs. I'm trying to teach her "nice puppy" by rubbing their head and backs nicely. But she thinks she's being nice when she pulls their ears and tails, and pokes their eyes. Not to mention she bit Dodgers head. But hey, we're working on it.
-Shes definitely both momma's and daddy's girl. It depends on her mood of who she wants more.
-She shakes her head YES finally. She was only saying no for awhile but finally she says yes lol
She's growing so much literally every single day. She's doing new things all the time. She's such a smiley happy baby which brings so much joy to our lives. We just couldn't be happier.
Slow down baby girl, you don't have to grow up all at once. Mommy and daddy love you.