Stassi is growing so quickly. She does so many new things every single day I can barely keep up. So I will try and include everything on here but I can't promise anything lol
Stassi at 15 months...
-Is so mischievous. She does what she wants when she wants.
-She is a climber. She climbs on couches, chairs, and everything else she can reach.
-She is absolutely fearless, which can be really scary.
-She is the friendliest little babe, saying hi to everyone she sees.
-She says mom, dad, hi/hey, bye, baby, Layla, Nana, go, Dodger, up, Elijah, dog, milk, please, thank you, nose, eye, stinky, no, yes/ya, car, ball, and maybe a few others I can't think of now.
-She loves to dance still. Every single time she hears music, she's moving to the beat.
-She loves grandma's house.
-She loves Disney channel.
-She sleeps in her own bed, through the night!
-She loves water & milk.
-She loves giving kisses, especially to Layla.
-She has a mind of her own. It's very hard to get her to do things she doesn't want to do.
-She is seriously SO sweet.
-She loves every food and drink she has tried. There's hasn't been anything she refuses to eat or drink
-She loves playing with the dogs and telling them to go.
-She says hi to everyone, even strangers.
-She loves church!
-She loves playing with her cousins (all her cousins are boys lol)
-She pretty much mimics anything we do!
-She does really well in swim class. When we put her under the water she naturally forms her arms into a divers position.
-She really is just so smart.
-She loves car rides.
-She has so much fun at the park.
I could really go on and on about Stassi. She is such a joy and light in our lives. There's not much she won't try or do. Which scares me a little. But she really is so sweet. And always kisses and hugs us tight.
We are so thankful for you baby. We can't believe you're 15 months old already. It's sad but exciting all at bittersweet. We love you baby! Thank you for blessing and changing our lives tremendously.