Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Stassi Is 16 months!!

Stassi turned 16 months on the 24th of November. The older she gets the more bitter sweet it is. I can't believe this beautiful girl is growing so much right in front of my eyes. I hate it but love it. It's such a crazy feeling. 

Stassi at 16 months:
-Is extremely sassy. A diva. She marches to the beat of her own drum and I love that about her, but sometimes that causes her to not listen and that drives mommy and daddy nuts! Lol
-Says so many words I've lost count. She's a talker. I love the way she says thank you, please, shoes, banana and of course mama! ;)
-She is a dancing machine. Not only does she dance all the time but now she sings now too & I love hearing that tiny voice sing to anything she hears!
-Is extremely friendly. She gets in everyone's faces and says HIIIIII! 
-She reads herself to sleep every night. She drinks some milk & then opens a book and flips through it until she passes out. 
-Is such a good big sister! I love the way she takes care of Layla. It's so sweet. 
-Is more of a girly girl than anything. She LOVES looking at herself in the mirror. It's so funny. 
-She has started rolling her eyes. she's such a sass it's unreal. And the faces she makes....oh boy. 
-She growls. A lot. 
-She loves her puppies. She lays with them, plays with them, kisses them, and wrestles them. 
-She loves playing outside. She particularly likes rocks which I guess is good because we have enough to spare lol
-She loves riding in the car. She has always done well in the car and I'm so thankful for that!
-She of course still and probably always will love Disney channel! 
-She loves balls and points them out everywhere! 
-She doesn't particularly like green beans or broccoli and does not like olives but loves everything else. 
-She fake laughs and it's hilarious. She'll just walk around fake laughing to herself.  
-She has an obsession with shoes. She carries them around with her and points out everyone's shoes. 
-She always asks for "nananas" (bananas) - she loves them!
-She still drinks from her bottle for milk. She will not drink milk from a sippy...stubborn girl. 
-She will ask to be changed when she has a dirty diaper. She'll point to herself and run and get a diaper. 
-She has a mouth full of teeth. 
-She loves swim class & is such a good little diver (she does the diving stance when she goes under water lol)
-She loves cleaning her ears with her q-tips and flossing her teeth
-Shes pretty good at eating with a fork and spoon! 

We could go on and on about our girl. She's beautiful, smart, kind, sassy, and everything in between. We love you to pieces Stassi Leighann. Can't wait to see who you become as the months go by. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The hubs is 29!

My husband turned 29 yesterday, so I figured I would write down 29 things I love about him! Here we go...

1. I love that he is so kind & giving. He would literally give the shirt off his back if it was needed. 
2. I love what an amazing dad he is. He loves his girls like nothing I've ever seen before. 
3. I love that he works so hard for what he wants. He doesn't expect any hand outs and has a hard time accepting help. He is one of the hardest workers I've ever met. 
4. I love that he is so forgiving. Even in little arguments we have or arguments he may have with others, it eventually rolls off his back and he's good to go. 
5. I love that he tries his hardest to do stuff in our backyard. Even though the previous owner didn't take very good care of our backyard, he does his best to maintain what we have. 
6. I love that he respects people and treats them with kindness, even when he may not know them very well. 
7. I love that he's willing to go and do things with our little family. Whether it's the park of shopping...he is always with us. 
8. I love that he lets me watch my drama shows. 
9. I love that he loves God & he loves Liberate and the pastors and wives just like I do! 
10. I love that he gets up on the weekends to feed Layla so I can sleep as long as Stassi will allow me to. 
11. I love that he will walk me to our bedroom after a scary show or movie so I don't have to walk in there alone like I normally do. 
12. I love the way he protects our home and family. Any time he hears a weird noise or anything, he gets up and checks everything out. 
13. I love that he always takes care of things when our cars need something to be fixed or changed. 
14. I love the way he lets me decorate however I want. As he said when we first picked out our light blue couch, "I don't care what color it is as long as I can sit on it"
15. I love that he likes to save money because I don't, so I need that reminded from him. 
16. I love that he knows exactly how to put up with my mood swings. He doesn't baby me and tells me to stop being grumpy. 
17. I love that he feeds the dogs and cleans up a little before I get home with the girls. 
18. I love that he never forgets to thank me for dinner or getting him a drink or doing laundry. 
19. I love the way he keeps in touch with me throughout the day, every day. 
20. I love that he never forgets to kiss me and tell me he loves me before we leave from work. 
21. I love that he helps me with anything I need help with, WITHOUT complaining. 
22. I love that he is so understanding of everything I go through or feel.
23. I love that even when he doesn't want to talk about my feelings, he does it any way, and then offers his advice on top of it too. 
24. I love the way he loves my family and friends. And the way he treats them all with the upmost kindness and respect. 
25. I love the way he always says "did you see/hear that?" Or "look!" whenever one of the girls does or says something new that he's so excited about. 
26. I love his passion and his acknowledgement of his self worth. I love that he knows he's smart and capable of anything. 
27. I love the way he went back to graduate high school even though it was later in life. It's hard to go back after so many years, but he did it. 
28. I hate that he had to drop out of school but I love that he did it to provide for and help his family when he was younger. He saw a need and he filled it. I truly respect that. 
29. I love that he loves chillin at home with us doing nothing. He doesn't get bored. He never wants to go do his own thing. He's completely content with being at home with his family. 

***And a bonus one because he's so amazing and I'm so thankful***
30. I LOVE THE WAY HE LOVES ME! He is such an amazing husband. Truly amazing. Who does so much for me. And I'll forever be grateful to him. 

I love you Yonatan Antonio. You're truly the best person I have ever met!! I'm so proud to be your wife. To be Mrs. Saavedra. I carry your name with pride. In the same way I carry mean so much to me and the girls! 😍

Layla Grace is 4 months old!!

So our little Layla is four months and I'm honestly just wondering where our time is going. I spent the first 2 months at home with her & now I'm working so I guess that makes time pass by further. Little Layla is just the sweetest. 

Layla at 4 months old:

-Drools...All. The. Time. 
-Loves sucking on her hands. 
-Sleeps through the night (about 7/8 hours - thank Jesus!)
-Drinks 6 ounces and is about to be started on baby food! 
-Loves watching her sister play. 
-Laughs a lot. 
-Talks even more. 
-Can hold her bottle. 
-When she wakes up in the morning and wants your attention, she'll lift up her legs and slam them down so it makes a loud noise. 
-Gets scared really easily. A sneeze will startle her and she'll start crying. 
-Is super smiley (although she can give some dirty looks too)
-Chews on her blanket. 
-Loves her car seat toy. 
-Sometimes she tends to scream the whole way home in the car (I may need ear drum replacements)
-HATES being changed. 
-Plays with her feet. 
-LOVES watching TV and watching daddy play basketball on the play station. 
-Is very aware of what's going on around her. 
-Hasn't quite rolled over yet, but she's getting there! 

We are so blessed to have Layla in our lives. Layla, most people thought you came too soon, but truth is, you came at just the perfect time. Your sister adores you and our hearts melt every time we see you two interacting. We just love you to pieces baby girl. Thank you for blessing our lives with your beautiful presence.