Every time I write out Stassi Leighann Saavedra-Medina I think "poor girl, she is going to have a tough time learning to write her entire name."
BUT that's not my point here. So, Stassi is growing up A LOT. I mean, I seriously can't believe it was JUST 3 months ago that she was born. I mean where has the time gone? It feels like there was no life before her but it also feels like she was just born. I remember her birth so clearly. Best. Time. Ever. Seriously.
Anyway, here are a few Stassi "isms"
1. Stassi ROLLS HER EYES! What? I mean, what 3 month old rolls her eyes at her own sweet mom? This girl...legit rolls her eyes with attitude.
2. She is active. she's all over the place and she can't even crawl yet, so when she does start crawling I am sure she will be all over the house.
3. She sneezes a lot actually and when she does, it's always twice in a row.
4. Stassi can roll over when she feels like it. I myself, have only seen it once. As for her babysitter, she's seen it a couple more times. Little stinker only does it when she feels like it.
5. Which leads me to SHE ONLY DOES STUFF WHEN SHE FEELS LIKE IT. Stassi is a sassy pants. Period. There's no other explanation other than she is a total diva. Even her babysitter says, she will not do something unless she wants to. And I mean, I get it...but she's three months guys. THREE.
6. Stassi is a total daddy's girl. She loves me and her grandparents and aunts and everyone, but if she's crying and she has been fed and changed, I can guarantee, like to the point of betting money, that she wants her dad and she will calm down as soon as she is in his hands.
7. I think she is getting ready for real good. She makes chewing motions and she is always staring straight at our food drooling. Like no joke.
8. The sweet girl is teething. She drools so much.
9. She sleeps through the night. She has never been a bad sleeper. But she sleeps from about 930/10 to 630/7 on weekends. Of course during the week I have to wake her up at 500 (sorry baby girl)
10. She is starting to notice the little things. Like her tongue. Her feet. Her hands. The dogs. She just stares. She's very aware.
11. She is the sweetest and she smiles and laughs like crazy BUT she has her moments where she has the driest sense of humor. If she doesn't want to smile or laugh she will actually give you dirty looks. What a sass.
12. She likes music and she likes watching videos on her daddy's phone. She also enjoys anything that's on tv. Especially basketball and football with daddy.
13. She sits in her bumbo really well. She will whine when she is over being in it, but she does great.
14. Stassi is officially ticklish. She laughs when daddy kisses her neck or when we tickle her sides and tummy. It's the sweetest little laugh. I love.
15. She is still in 0-3 month clothes but they are getting a little small. So she is slowly but surely moving up to 3-6 month clothing.
16. She chews on everything. Blankets, toys, fingers, but especially her hand. She is always sucking and chewing on her hands.
17. She likes "standing" A LOT. she puts pressure on her legs to stand and as long as you hold her she will go to town going "up and down" - she is seriously so strong.
18. She likes taking pictures most of the time. She is a total ham. I love it. She's a mommy jr.
19. She blushes when daddy kisses her in the mornings. Usually Yonatan is in the shower when I wake her up. So I wake her up and change and feed her so when he comes out she's usually awake and ready to see him. He comes over and says hi and kisses her and she laughs and turns her head away and burries it in my chest like she's blushing. It's the sweetest thing ever.
20. Last but not least, Stassi is like her mommy and daddy in the sense that she can't handle too much time around crowds of people or away from home. When we go to church and lunch, usually by the end of lunch she is just whiny and over it. As soon, and I mean literally AS SOON as we walk into our home, she's fine. She's happy. She's good to go. She def gets overwhelmed with too much company.
We enjoy our little bean so much. She is the sweetest girl we could have ever asked for. She smiles every time we ask her if she wants a sister, but she just stares at us when we ask if she wants a brother lol so hopefully soon enough, we will have a sister for our sweet girl.
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