Thursday, February 5, 2015

My little baby is 6 months?!

I find it completely crazy that my baby is already 6 months old. I remember giving birth to her like it was yesterday. I remember my contractions and breathing through them like a champ. I remember getting my epidural that allowed me to give birth to her so easily. And seeing her for the first time...I just broke down in tears. It seems like all of that was literally yesterday. 

My sweet babe officially turned 6 months on January 24th. So I figured I would do a little recap as to what she's like and what she is doing at 6 months. 

-talks...a lot. 
-she laughs and smiles at almost everything. 
-she gets real cranky when she's tired, but will fight sleep. 
-she doesn't nap very much and when she does, it's not for very long. 
-she's a daddy's girl but is slowly getting closer to mommy. 
-she says "dada" a lot. 
-she drinks formula as well as eats baby food. So far she likes everything except for green beans. 
-when she cries, she CRIES. 
-she's very opinionated and will let you know when she does not want to do something. 
-she crawls all over the place. 
-she is trying so hard to stand. 
-if she can bare a little bit of weight on your hands she will stand & walk. 
-she has her two bottom teeth and her dr says she's about to grow her two top teeth in. 
-she always smiles when I tell her she's a sister. 
-she loves her cousin Elijah. 
-she loves playing with her puppies.
-she gets so excited when grandpa says "you wanna give grandpa kisses?!"
-she is full of joy. 
-she is very adventurous and mischievous and doesn't mind getting into things at all. 
-she used to sleep through the night, but now wakes up once a night for a bottle. 
-she outgrew her bassinet.
-she's 17 pounds and 26 inches tall.
-she has a large head (big brains daddy says)

Stassi is so cool. She's such a fun little spirited girl full of life and spunk. I couldn't imagine life without her. Thank God for little girls!

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