Monday, July 27, 2015

Layla Grace is one month?!

It's true...our little Layla is officially one month old today! How crazy that she's already been here a month. I cannot believe that she came so early, but I also still can't believe that I am a mommy to TWO little girls. 

Layla at one month:
-Layla loves to SLEEP! A lot. 
-She smiles a ton, but not in response to anything yet. 
-She sleeps just like her mommy and sister...kicks blankets off, legs and arms wide open, and is restless. 
-She has a ton of hair and isn't losing any of the hair on her head. 
-She hates her outfit being changed. She cries every single time. 
-She loves car rides. She does so well in the car and even out in stores and church. 
-She is a hungry girl. She eats and eats and eats. 
-She chooses her own sleeping schedule no matter what I try but I'm not looking to change it. She is who she is. 
-She is very active during the day. She kicks and coos. 
-She loves her mamaroo. 
-She does very well with tummy time. 
-Layla LOVES to cuddle. She will just form her little body to whoever is holding her and sleep away. 

Layla is so calm and just a sweetheart already. I am so excited to see how she grows in this next month. Layla we are so blessed by you. We love you so much! Happy one month baby girl. 

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