Thursday, April 28, 2016

Layla is 10 months!

Layla is 10 months! She is the age that Stassi was when she started walking, and honestly, Layla could start walking this month too. Her doctor predicted she would be and with the rate she's going, she could! She walks now but is scared to do it on her own. 

Layla at 10 months:
-Screams a lot! Not because she's upset or crying but because she likes to hear herself. It can get pretty loud in our house!
-Adores her sister! She is in love with Stassi and everything Stassi does. 
-Loves to eat! She hates baby food now that she's been eating "big people" food. She eats bananas, grapes, watermelon, rice, beans, chicken, corn, green beans, eggs, sausage, waffles, and more! 
-When she wants her bottle everyone will know!
-Sleeps through the night for the most part 
-Loves Mickey Mouse clubhouse and Disney in general
-Thinks it's fun to pull the dogs' tails but for the most part just pats them on the back and gets excited!
-Says mama, dada, Layla, Jijah, ball and yeah and somehow says "where'd it go?" with the hand motions and all. 
-Stands and walks along furniture
-Is able to blow in the recorder (the instrument)
-Sucks and bites on everything she can get her hands on 
-She doesn't like to cuddle too much unless she's in a clingy mood
-Has stranger danger even with people she has seen before
-Gives kisses with her mouth wide open
-Claps all the time 
-She prays with us! The minute she hears us say "dear Heavenly Father" or "Dear God" she whips her head around, sees our hands folded, and does the same. She then starts to clap and is so proud of herself. She has even mumbled her own little baby words during prayers. Thank God He hears His children :)
-Does not like to be changed or have clothes put on. She loves being a naked baby! 
-loves "wheels on the bus" just like her sister 
-She is also a little dancer. Anytime daddy starts beat boxing or saying "go Layla" she starts moving!
-She loves bath time with her sister!

Layla, we love you so much. Thank you for adding so much love and fun to our family baby girl!

I downloaded my pictures off my phone so there's not as many as there should be! :)

Stassi is 21 months old!

As the months keep passing by, it's slowly getting closer to Stassi turning two. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about it lol I'm so glad I get the opportunity to see her grow and learn new things, but WHERE did my baby go?! My little baby that could fit so perfectly in my arms grew up so quickly and it's honestly just bittersweet. 

Stassi has always had a personality of her own, and I love that about her. Sometimes it gets on my nerves when she feels she knows best, but hey, she's learning ;)

Stassi at 21 months:

-She is saying so many words and phrases I couldn't even name them all. 
-Everytime she hears the birds chirp she says "I hear the birds"
-For the past couple months, Stassi has had major terrible two attitude, but for the past couple weeks, she has been a complete angel. She has her moments but for the most part, she listens and doesn't throw tantrums. 
-She LOVES her sissy. She gives her hugs and kisses. She talks to her. She tries to make her laugh. She brings her bottle to her. She tries to feed her. She gives her toys. She's a great big sister. 
-She will come up to you, rub your back, and say "are you okay?"
-She still loves to dance and has started to sing more and more when she hears music. 
-She loves mother goose club playhouse on YouTube and she watches a lot of weird videos that you wouldn't think would be entertaining but hey, to each their own ;)
-She hears us yell for Simba outside when we want him to come to the door, so she will go to the door and call "MIMBA!!!"
-She loves "mik" (milk)
-She loves her fruit. Bananas, watermelon, grapes, strawberries, apples...she loves it all. 
-She is starting to be more conscious about the food that falls off of her fork so she has started to lower her head so she gets more in her mouth 
-She prays!! And loves to pray. I love this about her. 
-She loves Mickey and Minnie and says their names perfectly. 
-She loves a good cuddle session 
-She is a pro on tablets and phones but is limited to her time on them ;)
-She waves hi and bye to everyone and will most likely give you hugs and kisses if you ask for them. 
-She loves to kick the ball...maybe a future soccer player?
-She loves all of her family; both sides! She smiles everytime she sees everyone.
-She loves her class at church and always does so well 
-Homegirl loses everything lol
-She still drinks out of a bottle for milk. Mommy & daddy are trying to get the courage to take it away from her 
-She was calling everyone mommy and now is tending to say daddy instead.
-She loves bath time and loves to brush her teeth. She always asks to do both multiple times a day lol

Stassi Leighann, mommy and daddy love you and love being able to raise you. Thank you for being such a sweetheart. 

These are only some pictures because I downloaded my phone and erased :)

Monday, April 11, 2016

Girl Mommy

Although I am positive it is just as exciting to be a mommy to boys, I am only familiar with the world of being a "girl mommy" meaning I am a mom to only girls. Two perfect girls, born 11 months apart. My heart explodes with love, joy, and pride for those perfect, pink baby girls. 

Stassi Leighann, you were the one who made me a mommy. The one who introduced me to a brand new world I had never known. Layla Grace, you were the one who made me open my eyes to the fact that you really can love both children the same amount. I was completely smitten with you. 

I had this image in my head of what motherhood would look like. My children would be perfect. Perfect in the sense where every hair on their head was perfectly styled and in place. They would come out of the womb using manners. They would never use a bottle past 1, and there was no way that they were sleeping with me or in my room past 6 weeks. THEN I BECAME A MOMMY. 
I was soon introduced to a world of such deep love and worry for my children. Let's just say, their hair is naturally messy after they wake up, they like to be naked more than dressed, sometimes Stassi uses her manners and sometimes she throws fits, she is still using a bottle, I co-slept with Stassi until after Layla was born, and they are both in their own beds in our room to this day. I have learned that what was right for my mom and mothers all around, is not what is right for my children and me all the time. I hear a lot of "You need to do this" or "You shouldn't do this" and that used to make me feel guilty. Then it made me mad. And now I take it with a grain of salt. Because I'm their mommy. And what works for us, may not work for you. And what works for you, may not work for us. and that's okay!

BUT one thing I am sure we can all agree on is our children complete us. My children have made me the best version of myself that I could be. I deeply HATE the times I feel anger or frustration towards them because they are just little babies and I am their world. They only know how to communicate through crying (well, Stassi can use words but you know what I mean). Sometimes they may be sad just because they're not close enough to you, or maybe at the end of the day they are whiny because they missed you while you were at work. 

My heart was changed the day I met these two sweethearts. My prayer lately has been that I am slow to anger and slow to annoy; that I have an understanding and loving heart in all situations. My babies are my world. And I know they are their daddy's too. There is nothing better than coming home and being together as a family. All four of us. 

And the big question we have been asked...are we trying for a boy? Are we going to have more? Sadly, no. Sadly because we would have all the babies in the world if we knew we could give them the best quality of life. But we have been praying and hopefully will adopt in years to come. Not anytime soon, but when the time is right, we may get our boy. Or girl. It depends on who God puts in our home. 

The point of this is there is nothing better than being a mom. I truly would not change it for anything. Thank you God for giving me something so great that makes it so hard to say goodbye!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Layla is 9 months!

So Layla turned 9 months a couple weeks ago (I'm late with this, I know) and she is such a sweet babe. She has such a sweet personality and we couldn't love her more!