Thursday, April 28, 2016

Layla is 10 months!

Layla is 10 months! She is the age that Stassi was when she started walking, and honestly, Layla could start walking this month too. Her doctor predicted she would be and with the rate she's going, she could! She walks now but is scared to do it on her own. 

Layla at 10 months:
-Screams a lot! Not because she's upset or crying but because she likes to hear herself. It can get pretty loud in our house!
-Adores her sister! She is in love with Stassi and everything Stassi does. 
-Loves to eat! She hates baby food now that she's been eating "big people" food. She eats bananas, grapes, watermelon, rice, beans, chicken, corn, green beans, eggs, sausage, waffles, and more! 
-When she wants her bottle everyone will know!
-Sleeps through the night for the most part 
-Loves Mickey Mouse clubhouse and Disney in general
-Thinks it's fun to pull the dogs' tails but for the most part just pats them on the back and gets excited!
-Says mama, dada, Layla, Jijah, ball and yeah and somehow says "where'd it go?" with the hand motions and all. 
-Stands and walks along furniture
-Is able to blow in the recorder (the instrument)
-Sucks and bites on everything she can get her hands on 
-She doesn't like to cuddle too much unless she's in a clingy mood
-Has stranger danger even with people she has seen before
-Gives kisses with her mouth wide open
-Claps all the time 
-She prays with us! The minute she hears us say "dear Heavenly Father" or "Dear God" she whips her head around, sees our hands folded, and does the same. She then starts to clap and is so proud of herself. She has even mumbled her own little baby words during prayers. Thank God He hears His children :)
-Does not like to be changed or have clothes put on. She loves being a naked baby! 
-loves "wheels on the bus" just like her sister 
-She is also a little dancer. Anytime daddy starts beat boxing or saying "go Layla" she starts moving!
-She loves bath time with her sister!

Layla, we love you so much. Thank you for adding so much love and fun to our family baby girl!

I downloaded my pictures off my phone so there's not as many as there should be! :)

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