Stassi at 22 months:
-She talks! Like, really talks. She says short sentences or phrases. And she's coming up with new things all the time; some of which I'm like...where did you learn that?! Lol
-She is so incredibly LOVING! She will come up and hug and kiss me or her daddy just because. She also LOVES loving on her sissy.
-She calls her sister "sissy" "Layla" and "La" (so we have kind of just adopted the nickname La/LaLa)
-She has always been tall, but my gosh!
She is growing up so fast. I notice her legs getting taller and taller and I get more sad haha
-She still loves wheels on the bus, and she loves watching children's songs on YouTube.
-She is not on her bottle AT ALL anymore, just strictly Sippy cups! **woohoo**
-She eats ALL. THE. TIME. it's pretty much all fruit, cheese, yogurt and "cookies" (she calls granola bars cookies lol) but goodness that girl never stops eating! Lol
-She has started a car collection. She loves playing with toy cars. LOVES it.
-She likes to "cook" like mommy at her Minnie Mouse Kitchen.
-She tries to teach Layla how to do everything!
-She loves her puppies and always tries to feed them her food lol
-She listens for the most part. She tries to challenge us sometimes, but for the most part she's extremely helpful with good listening ears.
-She is a tornado. Like legit, tears all her toys out with in a matter of minutes. Drives mommy nuts! Haha
-She knows her colors: blue, brown, black, white, yellow, orange, green, red, purple, and pink.
-She tries to count to 5, but gets them mixed up sometimes. She definitely knows 1 and 2 haha but usually skips straight to 4 or 5 lol
-She can point out and tell you MOST of her body parts: hair, head, face, eyes, nose (and boogers thanks to daddy lol), ears, mouth, teeth, tongue, arms (and muscles), hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes, belly, and booty. We are working on neck, chin, back, and knee. She knows them sometimes but sometimes she forgets.
-When she is doing something, she is extremely focused.
-She gets very frustrated when she can't do something she's trying to do, for example if the strap on her toy drum is stuck on her baby stroller, and she can't get the strap off, she gets extremely frustrated.
-She hates green vegetables :( I'm trying to get her to eat them, but it's very rare!
-She loves drinking out of the actual water bottles but she always ends up making a mess (on purpose might I add) so then we have to take it away lol
-She can point out and tell you who people are: mom, dad, sissy, mee-maw, papa, auntie, and Jijah.
Baby girl, if only you could see how much you're growing. I just love watching you and admiring you, especially when you don't know I'm watching. I love being able to see the real you. The unedited version. You're perfect my sweet baby and we are so blessed to be your parents. We love you Stassi Leighann!
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