Monday, July 27, 2015

Stassi is ONE YEAR old

Guys...I'm really not sure how to feel about Stassi turning one. Of course I am so happy that she is here with us and has turned one year without any true problems and I realize we are blessed for that. BUT it is so bittersweet. I just can't believe my little baby is not so little anymore. It's crazy how fast time passes & I'm not always a fan of change. But it's so fun to see how she is developing and learning. 

Stassi at one year:
-Stassi says "no no" A LOT! She says no to anything and probably even when she means yes. 
-Stassi has a new baby sister which has been so much fun for her but also rough at times. BUT she is constantly kissing and hugging and loving on our baby Layla and can even say her name clearly. 
-She walks and runs everywhere 
-She loves being chased. 
-She hates when the dogs bark and when they do, she cries. It's actually really sad. 
-Although Stassi has been saying mom and dad for a really long time (those were her actual first words) she identifies who we are more. 
-She listens when we tell her to bring something to us. 
-She hates when we tell her no. 
-She loves playing with her toys and plays with them very well. 
-She is great with sharing. 
-She loves food in general but has been loving watermelon. A LOT. It's something her and daddy eat together. 
-Stassi makes the surprised noise whenever she sees someone come up to the house. Whether it's grandma or her aunts or cousin. 
-When daddy walks in at the end of the work day she makes the surprised sound and runs up to him. 
-Stassi is a BIG kisser and hugger now. 
-Stassi has been taking naps in her crib and playpen and we are slowly trying to move her out of our room. 
-She still loves car rides and just stares out the window. 
-She is in a big girl car seat now and loves it. 
-She has moved to milk instead of formula and does great with it. 
-She is super silly and just has a really fun personality. 

Stassi is growing so much. And she is super outgoing and fun loving. We are so blessed to have this little one year old in our lives. She came into my life when I needed her most and I will never forget that. I love you so much Stassi Leighann and am so proud to be your mommy! 

Layla Grace is one month?!

It's true...our little Layla is officially one month old today! How crazy that she's already been here a month. I cannot believe that she came so early, but I also still can't believe that I am a mommy to TWO little girls. 

Layla at one month:
-Layla loves to SLEEP! A lot. 
-She smiles a ton, but not in response to anything yet. 
-She sleeps just like her mommy and sister...kicks blankets off, legs and arms wide open, and is restless. 
-She has a ton of hair and isn't losing any of the hair on her head. 
-She hates her outfit being changed. She cries every single time. 
-She loves car rides. She does so well in the car and even out in stores and church. 
-She is a hungry girl. She eats and eats and eats. 
-She chooses her own sleeping schedule no matter what I try but I'm not looking to change it. She is who she is. 
-She is very active during the day. She kicks and coos. 
-She loves her mamaroo. 
-She does very well with tummy time. 
-Layla LOVES to cuddle. She will just form her little body to whoever is holding her and sleep away. 

Layla is so calm and just a sweetheart already. I am so excited to see how she grows in this next month. Layla we are so blessed by you. We love you so much! Happy one month baby girl.