Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Layla Grace is ONE!!

Guys...Layla is one. One. I have two one year olds right now. It's so crazy!! Time flew by so fast with her; it's so bittersweet. We celebrated her birthday on the 25th with a party with close friends and family. It was so sweet to see her walk around in her little baby pink tutu! :)

So here is Layla at one:
-She talks so much!! Like babbles all the time. 
-She can say mom, dad, go, hi/hey, bye, lay down, sit, ball, baby, yay, yeah, stop, boo, no no, and "La" (short for Layla/LaLa)
-She is somewhat of a bully! Haha she is mean to her sister when she doesn't get her way or does not want to be messed with. 
-She loves playing with the dogs!
-She is extremely independent except for when she is feeling extra whiney
-She loves watching anything Disney and/or children's songs on YouTube 
-She is off of formula and on milk!
-She is teething pretty bad. 
-She loves her baby dolls. 
-She gives kisses but only when she feels like it. 
-When she plays with toy cars, she makes the car noises. 
-She loves to eat!
-She likes to pray and claps when we are done!
-When she gets excited, her whole body starts moving. 
-She looooves to dance! 
-Whenever something happens that she gets excited about or likes, she claps and says "yayyy" 
-She WALKS!!! Started at 11 months :) 
-She loves looking at herself in the mirror or phone.
-She is most definitely a daddy's girl. 
-When she wants to be held, she holds out her hands and does the "come here" motion. 
-She waves hi & bye, even to strangers.
-BUT she also freaks out when strangers try to talk to/touch her. She also freaks out at most of the people she sees on a semi-regular basis. 
-She plays peek-a-boo, but when she holds her hands over her eyes, she almost completely misses her eyes LOL

LaLa, we love you so much. You really have just added so much to our family and I can't believe you've been here for a year already. Time passes by extremely quickly. Too quickly if you ask me. We love you baby girl!!

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