Friday, September 6, 2013

The past.

You know the term "regret nothing"...? I never quite believed that. And the reason behind that is because I always felt like I could have done something else...something better in order to change the way things played out in my life. I lived on a consistency of "what if's" as in "what if I had done this instead?" or "what if I had said this instead?" And I have to admit that it gets quite tiring always questioning your every move or backtracking the words you said. 

But there is a quote that a friend of mine sent me yesterday that I will share below that was quite inspiring in this subject. 

This spoke to my heart like crazy. With what I am going through in life right now (which I promise, eventually I will share) I can either run from this past or learn from it. And I am tired of running. Tired of questioning. 

So, as I sit there and pondered this quote I honestly made a decision for myself to learn from my past. I am no where near perfect. I have made plenty of mistakes and continue to make them daily because let's face it...I'm human and therefore imperfect. I have consciously made decisions that I knew would hurt and affect the people around me and even myself, yet I did it anyway. And although it would be very easy to keep punishing myself every day and regretting everything that I have done, I choose to not live in the past and to learn from what I have done. All I can do is learn. And I'm okay with that. Sure, it's difficult to replay the things you've said and done in your mind because it sure does affect your conscience, but I am okay with choosing to look at my past and accepting it. I have to accept it in order to move on...truly move on and LEARN from it. 

Life gets crazy sometimes. We make decisions that we may not always think through. But we can't beat ourselves up over it because once those decisions have been made and done, we can't take them back. We can't change the outcome. It simply is what it is. And all we can really do in this crazy life is learn from it and make your future as bright and beautiful as you can. 

Trust me, you'll be a better person because of it. We have a choice and I choose to continue to grow as a person. So I will live life and I will love it. Even the bad things because let's face it...if it weren't for what we go through, we wouldn't be who we are today. 

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