Tuesday, May 26, 2015

10 Months?!

So Stassi has turned 10 months and I'm over here like 10 months already?? You guys realize that's only two months away from a YEAR old right? I. Can't. Even. And I almost always can ;)

Stassi is seriously unique and so special. She just goes to the beat of her own drum. She has an opinion on everything and she's not quiet about it either. She will let you know whether she likes something or not, wants something or not, and whether she wants to be left alone or not. She is really such a sweet girl, but she is also very feisty. But I already admire her. Her personality will grow and change in different ways as she gets older, but her ability to do what she wants at the age of 10 months is priceless and I'm not going to lie...a liiiittle frustrating too. 

So what does Stassi do at 10 months?

-She has taken her very first steps! We are working on her confidence because she walks so well, but she has taken about 8 steps in a row so far. 
-She stands VERY well on her own. 
-Stassi has learned how to say Dodger (full on) so now she calls everything and everyone Dodger.  
-Stassi has seen us tell the dogs to "go" lay down or "go" outside so she now points her finger at them and says "go" BUT she also does it to people in the store and restaurants lol
-Stassi can say hi, hey, mama, mom, dada, dad, nana (grandma), jijah (elijah), Dodger, go, baba (bottle), Stassi (when she feels like cooperating), ish (fish), sh (as in be quiet), yes, ya, and no
-She is starting to learn that when she doesn't want something, she shakes her head no. Before it was just something to do, but now she's getting the meaning. 
-When she doesn't want her bottle anymore, she just tosses it to the side - drives me nuts lol
-Stassi likes to be chased. She will crawl somewhere she knows she shouldn't be and then wait for someone to come get her and when they walk towards her she takes off crawling really fast, laughing or smiling. 
-She loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse SO much. 
-She loves music. Daddy plays her music all the time and she just dances and smiles. Girl has moves! 
-She loves children. Any age. When she sees them she just smiles and waves. 
-Stassi went into the nursery for the very first time at church this month and she LOVED it and did SO well. 
-When you pick her up to give her hugs, she pats your back just like you do to her. I love that. 
-She actually gives real hugs now. Sometimes she'll want to be picked up just for a hug. 
-She gives great kisses but also picks and chooses when to do so lol
-Stassi can definitely sense Layla inside of me and always wants to be near me or on me. 
-She loves food. All kinds of food and wants to try anything we eat! Of course we have to limit her, but I love that she's willing to try new things. 
-Stassi has started to CLIMB things. Yikes. 
-She has finally started clapping and does it for almost anything 

Stassi is so vibrant and I am so excited and also sad to see her grow up. Mommy emotions are so confusing sometimes lol but I am so proud to have this little 10 month old in my life and I'm so proud to be her mommy. 

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