Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Life lessons

As I sit here and think, I realize there are a lot of lessons I have learned. Lessons I have experienced and they have made me who I am today. And I guess I sort of wanted to jot them down and share them with some of you; who knows maybe it will help someone with something they're going through...

1. Your family will always be there to back you up. Family isn't always blood, but family are those people who always stick it out with you and never leave your side. 

2. Make time to appreciate the little things. 

3. Slow down. Be silent. Sit still. 

4. Some of the best lessons to learn are the hardest to go through. 

5. Marriage doesn't equal maturity. 

6. Friends come and go. 

7. Having integrity will never let you down. 

8. It's always best to do things the right way, but it's okay to make mistakes. 

9. Don't beat yourself up over the small things; you're only human. 

10. Always make time for the children in your life. They look up to you more than you realize. 

11. Presenting yourself in a manner where others see your sincerity, honesty, and kindness will get you far. 

12. You can't win them all; meaning, not everyone will like you. 

13. Dogs really are a girl's best friend. 

14. Always make time for Skype or FaceTime dates. 

15. It's easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle, but try your best to slow down. 

16. Go to church.  

17. Try giving money or your time to a cause or charity. 

18. Do things without being asked. And don't expect any type of reward for doing so. 

19. Never feel pressured to do anything. If your heart isn't in it, you shouldn't do it. 

20. Try your best not to lie. It's so much easier keeping track of the truth.

21. Sometimes it's best to shut your mouth and open your ears. 

22. Always lend your shoulder. 

23. Fighting, both verbally and physically, is pointless. 

24. Act your age. No one wants to see a 20 year old act like their mother or their mother act like a 20 year old. 

25. Know when it's appropriate to joke around and laugh. 

26. Be sensitive to others feelings.

27. Don't ever force your opinions or beliefs on anyone, but instead, have an open mind. 

28. Always make time for your parents and siblings. 

29. It's okay to have lazy days where you don't shower, sit around and eat junk food while watching netflix, but don't make it a habbit. It feels good to get out of the house. 

30. Don't do anything you're not fully committed to. 

Just a few things on my mind :)

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